Penobscot County Soil & Water Conservation District
Penobscot County Soil & Water Conservation District provides leadership, information, education and technical assistance to conserve, improve and sustain our natural resources through partnerships with individuals, business, organizations and government.
The District reaches out to all local stakeholders in the community to determine priorities and set a course of action to solve natural resource problems. We provide local conservation leadership, teach the value of natural resources, encourage conservation efforts, and help plan and implement voluntary programs.
2025 Trout Sale
Benefits of District Programs
Local solutions to local problems
Hands on training.
Direct technical assistance to the community.
Conservation education.
Voluntary, cooperative approach to resource conservation.
Local leadership.
Promote understanding of the value of natural resources.
Protection of drinking water supplies.
Protection of property values.
Bring in outside funding to be spent locally.
Provide technical assistance for community projects.
Help maintain farm productivity, values and profitability while protecting the environment.
Improved quality of natural resources.
Latest News
“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Brook trout sourced from MicMac Farms in Caribou, Maine.